Sunday, April 29, 2012

Being in the Year of the Dragon

I've made several Vision Boards- first one was vague and generic, the next were specific: one for career, one for inner growth, another for where I wanted to live. I also made myself a vision table. whenever I work on it- I see my vision for my life. I add something now and again- a word, an image, an idea. But from the beginning my own Studio was a large part of my vision for my Life.
I am so excited that this chapter is coming to be. Year of the Water Dragon. (that image appeared on the table 2 yrs ago)


OK! We have a Shift happening here.

I finally have confirmation that I will have a studio. A place where I can create. A place where I can teach. A place for Creative Rivers to Flow!

I am excited. Yes. Yes I am.

Here are a few ("few" being a relative term) Before Photos.

We Begin Being will have a New Look soon, as well as a New Direction, New Purpose.

As I say to my granddaughter AJ as we embark on a New Adventure: "Here. We. GO!"

Monday, April 9, 2012

Being Artful

Classes coming up- Spread the word!!

Begin Finishing

Commence: Conclude
Open: Shut
Enter: Exit
Start: Stop
Begin: Finish

I am a GREAT Idea Guy/Gal.
I don't tend to be the "follow through" kind of person.
I'm working on it though.
And I will say I have made great progress.
I made my usual list of tasks to complete today- and
I successfully crossed them ALL off.
Pretty darned exciting I must say.

My word for 2012 is "Finish" and, while I would have to admit I haven't progressed as far as I would have liked to- I have, at least, MADE progress. And that's a good thing.

"Work expands so as to fill the time available for it's completion."
C. Northcote Parkinson