Wednesday, November 5, 2014

4 week Portraits class- AWESOME work!

gave a 4 week Portraits class at The Art Department in Salem Oregon.
The students ranged in age from 13 to, well, older.
The skill levels varied, as is always the case. I always tell my students that, when they enter a class, they are entering at whatever level they stopped drawing. So, if you stopped drawing in the 4th grade because someone told you you couldn't draw, and you believed them!, then you are now starting at the level of the 4th grade you.
I also tell my students that everyone brings to the paper their own personality, experiences etc. So no one draws like anyone else. This is actually one of my favorite parts of instructing- seeing the different styles. Ten people can draw the exact same thing but there will be ten different versions.
I just LOVE that!

 So may I present to you- multiple examples of the wonderful art that was produced in this class:

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