Sunday, January 29, 2012

Begin to Grow

Growth:  AS  I grow I don't really notice much change. But it's definitely happening.

 I came across some old writings of mine yesterday- and in them I was whining, blaming, complaining and SO negative. For the last 3 years or so I have been in a constant state of turning to the Positive. Sometimes it's easy- sometimes I have to work at it. But I intend NEVER to return to the state of mind that I was in when I wrote those previously mentioned papers.
I know that sometimes things may not always go the way I hoped, planned, wished for.... but sometimes, things not going as I had thought turns out to be for the best.
Growing can be a little painful sometimes (think: "growing pains") but most of the time it's a beautiful, healthy, fabulous thing to happen to you. So... I intend to continue to grow-change-become more positive and hopefully leave that other me farther and farther behind.
I seek to be a better Mother-Grandmother-Friend-Sister-Employee-Teacher-PERSON.

"Strength and Growth come only through continuous effort and struggle" Napoleon Hill

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