Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8- Reflection

Day 8:

A Drawing:
A sketch actually
I am learning to accept imperfections- improve and correct or leave it be, depends on the situation, but my old pattern was RIP it up! and start over.

A Quote:
Well I was gonna do the 9 Simple Solutions for Procrastinators by Christine Kane and then I forgot, so I did #1 on Day 6, so here we go with #2:
"All hail small chunks of time! Stop waiting for big chunks of time- we all have lots of time- it just doesn't all happen at once."

A Post:
I was just thinking about this today. How, after only 8 days of asking myself to do One Thing a Day- One Task a Day, I already feel a sense of relief. I don't have to get it all done at once. I no longer need to feel paralyzed  by the overwhelming amount of "Things To Do". If I just do One Thing. I can chip away at the Seemingly Monumental.

A Task:
Because I was so sick Sunday and Monday, and then worked nine hours no break Tuesday and then today work and my roommate/daughter is sick... our house looks pretty pathetic. I didn't try to get it all done and clean and perfect. I just did the dishes. And that's enough for today.

A Page:
I don't know what it is. I love the ocean. I love looking at it- the cool blue, the waves, the warm breeze coming off it (this is of course not describing the WA. OR. oceans , rather the southern CA. ones)
I don't like being on it (aka as Boats) but I do like being in it.  But mostly I would just like to look at it. Watch a sunset. Walk along the sand.

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